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Wall luminaires: versatile and flexible

No matter whether you want to put your favourite pieces in the right light in the living room, cook in the kitchen or read in bed: depending on the model you choose, stylish wall luminaires can be used as room, accent or mood lighting.

Wall luminaires - the space-saving all-rounders

Ceiling lights illuminate the room in general. Desk lamps direct their light precisely onto your work area. And wall luminaires? They are flexible. Depending on the model chosen, they are sometimes used as targeted spots, sometimes as upward and downward general lighting for a room and sometimes as purely decorative accessories next to the mirror, door or cupboard. Fixed to the wall to save space, they hardly take up any room, but give the room more visual depth.

Tip: Balanced lighting is achieved by combining different light sources and types of lighting. In the best case, a mix of room, accent and mood lighting creates a balanced mix with low-contrast and high-contrast elements.

Find a wall light according to your ideas

Find a wall light according to your ideas

Do you want to use LED wall lights to illuminate entire walls or to highlight individual points? Are you planning to install the lights in the kitchen or are you looking for wall lights for the children's room? How much brightness should the luminaires provide? Are there any special requirements that the wall lights should fulfil or do you want to use them mainly as a stylistic element in the living area?

Wall luminaires are as diverse as the demands placed on them. In the living room, they contribute to a cosy atmosphere and in the bathroom, they ensure the most uniform illumination possible. In the bedroom, they are a practical alternative to the classic bedside lamp. In the reading corner, movable models such as our Motus Wall or the Luxo L-1 spring-loaded luminaire allow you to position the light precisely. And with wall luminaires in the stairwell, you can be sure not to miss a step. The main thing these stylish luminaires have in common is that they do not take up any floor space. Even in small rooms and narrow corridors, you can enjoy sufficient freedom of movement with wall-mounted luminaires.

Important: Match the wall lamp to its place of use. For the kitchen, models that are easy to clean are suitable because of the formation of water and grease vapour. In the bathroom, it is advisable to choose wall lamps that are protected against splashing water. You can find the necessary information on this subject in the IP code (Ingress Protection) of the model.

Good to know: We not only have wall lamps in black for you, but also models with which you can set colourful accents.

What is important for mounting a wall light?

What is important for mounting a wall light?

It is often recommended to mount wall luminaires at a height between 165 and 180 cm. Of course, the mounting height always depends on the purpose of the luminaire, the respective model, your personal taste and also your height. You can mount wall luminaires just as well high in the room as close to the floor. In any case, it is important to avoid glare that irritates the eye. That's why we recommend that you test the luminaire position thoroughly before making a final decision.

Ask someone to hold the lamp and check from different positions whether you find the light comfortable. Take a seat at the table or in the armchair, move through the hallway or look at your reflection in the mirror above the washbasin. When installing wall lamps in a child's room, it is important to consider the size of the child. Wall lamps with switches should be accessible without stretching or bending over. If you are unsure, it is better to postpone the decision and temporarily switch to a mobile lamp. In our workplace and floor lamps categories, you will find numerous models that can be set up quickly and easily.

Practical tip: For a balanced look, it is ideal to combine several identical wall lamps in one room. Arranged in pairs next to the door or a picture, the lamps create a framing effect. When hanging them, make sure that a wall lamp occupies the entire wall. Furniture and pictures may no longer find room here.

Variable models for wall, table and floor

Variable models for wall, table and floor

You like to be flexible? We understand that only too well and that's why you'll find some variable luminaires in our range that are not only convincing as wall lamps. If you add the right accessories, our Luxo L-1, the Motus Flat and the Motus Table can be transformed into practical workplace lamps in no time at all. You can even use the Anglepoise Type 75 as a table, wall and floor lamp. Since the models are wall lamps with switch, plug and a separate holder, you can easily move them in contrast to fixed screwed versions that are connected to a supply line.

Practical: In our pendant luminaire category, you will find the Luxo L-1 and the luminaires of the Motus series also as a variant hanging from the ceiling. This way, you can furnish your room completely with lamps in one style.

Wall lights score with functionality

Wall lights score with functionality

Depending on the version, our LED wall lights offer you much more than light and a stylish design: the models in the Motus range have integrated timers that switch the wall lights off automatically after either four or nine hours. The Motus Wall and the Motus Table are also equipped with a dim-to-warm function. If you dim down the lighting, the colour temperature automatically becomes warmer. And with Motus Flat, you can even regulate the light colour independently of the brightness. Its Tuneable White technology allows settings of 2,700, 3,300 and 4,000 Kelvin.

Excursus: colour temperature, brightness

The intrinsic colour of a light source is called light colour or colour temperature and is measured in Kelvin. A distinction is made between three groups: warm white light (less than 3,300 K), neutral white light (3,300-5,300 K) and daylight white (more than 5,300 K). The warmer the light of your wall luminaires, the greater the feel-good factor. Daylight white light enhances activity and concentration.

In this context, illuminance measured in lux also plays a role. For concentrated work at a desk or workbench, it makes sense to have at least 500 lux, preferably 1,000 lux. In the living room, values around 200 lux are sufficient.

Discover our luminaire construction range

You liked our LED wall lamps, but as a declared DIY fan you like to take matters into your own hands? In our lamp building category you will find accessories with which you can design lampshades according to your personal taste, colourful textile cables and also practical lamp pendants. Get creative and design an individual lamp for your home.