
Brass Rods

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Information about brass rods

Brass rods are an excellent material for use in representing metal constructions in architectural model making mainly because they take so well to being soldered. As an alternative, Wood mouldings or Polysterene rods can be used.

Our brass round rods with diameters of 15 and 20 mm are drilling and lathing grade materials. We have given no further descriptions of the material because the alloys that we have in stock vary quite a bit.

Cutting work on the rods can be done with a circular saw or manually with a household saw or a metal frame saw. Brass takes extremely well to soldering. Gluing work can be done with two component glues (e.g. ones based on Cyanoacrylate or Epoxy) while for model making Ruderer plastic glue or UHU Hard will also suffice. Further information about working with brass can be found under the heading "Facts and Figures for the Product Groups" found in the circle on the left side of the homepage.